
The careful treatment of sound is of the utmost importance in determining a movie’s impact. Thanks to our many years of experience in mixing movie soundtracks and voice recording as well as because of our technical know-how, we produce high-quality soundtracks for your pictures using professional analogue and digital technoloy. Our excellent contacts to voice talents ensure a smooth workflow with great results, and our dedicated room for voice recording provides them with a comfortable working environment.

The technology: while our SSL-Nucleus console allows direct and concurrent access to 16 faders, the ProTools HDX-System is responsible for recording, playback and automation. High-end thermionic outboards refine the sound and control dynamics as well as frequencies. With microphones by Neumann and Schoeps as well as preamps by SSL and A Designs, we are well equipped to find the correct sound for every voice. While the monitoring speakers from GJ-Acoustics faithfully represent each nuance of sound, the 50” screen allows us to scrutinize pictures in HD in minute detail.

What we offer: